Nataša Stoiljković Petrović


Nataša Stoiljković Petrović

Nataša Stoiljković Petrović finished primary and secondary music school in Niš in the class of prof. Jovanka Kerković. She graduated from the Department of Piano at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, in the class of prof. Mirjana Vukdragović. She trained with eminent pedagogues: S. Gadžijeva, A. Valdma, D. Mihailović, B. Kraljević, D. Trbojević, A. Serdar, V. Milošević.

Throughout her education she won numerous awards at competitions and preformed at concerts as a soloist and a member of chamber ensembles.


She has been working as a piano teacher at the Music School in Niš since 1994. She has been appointed head of the piano department, and is currently working as an assistant school principal. 

Her students have won numerous awards at domestic and international competitions. In 2020 she was awarded the annual award of the Association of Music and Ballet Schools of Serbia for her pedagogical work.

For many years, she has been a member of the jury of the International Competition of Young Pianists in Niš, as well as the Festival of Music and Ballet Schools of Serbia.