Goara Nonna Lazić


Goara Nonna Lazić

Goara Nonna Lazić is a representative of Russian school of piano. She is an expert with more than 30 years of work experience in the field of music education.
She was educated in the Soviet Union. She finished specialized music school for talents in Odessa. She graudated on National Music Academy in Odessa and got qualifications: concert performer, pedagogue, soloist of chamber ensemble and accompanist.
She started her teaching career as a student in music school in National University.
In 1992. she has moved to Serbia and began working in music school in Šabac, where she started to develop her personal pedagogical method based on the best tradition of pianistic schools.
2005. – She worked in Slovenia, and continued working in Serbia

The collection of diplomas of Goara Lazić and her students is rich with many significant prizes from national and international competitions in Serbia and abroad (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Crna Gora, Czech Republic, France, Macedonia, Israel, Austria, Italy)
She raised a huge number of talented students. All her students continued their education on music academies and today they work all over Serbia and abroad. Many of them are now concert performers.
Goara Lazić held master-classes in Serbia and seminar in Slovenia.
Next to teaching career, she participated as jury member on numerous competitions in Serbia and abroad.
She is conceptual initiatior of the competition in Šabac, that has tradition of 27 years and has grown into international competition where she is a permanent member of the organising committee, and in 2020. she performed a function of its artistic director.
In 2003. she won an award from the Association of Music and Ballet Schools of Serbia for long-term results and investment in musical talents.