Aleksandar Burkert


Aleksandar Burkert

Aleksandar Burkert, graduated at the faculty of musical arts in Belgrade with Tahir Kulenovic. He is appointed as a principal flute of the Wind orchestra in Zemun, with conductor Vladimir Mustajbasic .

Co-founder of Novi Sad Big Bend orchestra, and has played alto and baritone saxophone and frula. Since 1987 he had been teaching in many music schools in Serbia. His students have won a number of awards on national and international competitions.2012,2013,2014,2015 awarded The best pedagogue of flute -Femus Subotica. 

2014 he was awarded for his pedagogical results over the years, by the Union of associations of music and ballet pedagogues of Serbia. 

Works in music school in Valjevo, where he regularly conducts summer and winter courses for teacher and pupils.