Miomir Simonovic


Miomir Simonovic

MIOMIR SIMONOVIC was born on 28/10/1965 in Leskovac, where he finished primary and secondary music school in the class of Professor Tahir Kulenović. He graduated and got his M.A. at the Faculty of Musical Arts in Belgrade, in the class of the same professor.

During his school days he won numerous awards in state and country competitions. He won third prize on the 23rd Annual Competition of Young Yugoslav Artist in Zagreb and second prize at the competition of the Federation of Paris Conservatories in 1989. He went to H. Berlioz Conservatory as a scholar of the Foundation for Scientific and Artistic Youth of Serbia.

He has held over 50 recitals so far, some in Belgrade and Serbia, some in France and Spain.  He performed as a solo artist with the Symphonic Orchestra of Niš, the Military Symphonic Orchestra and Serbian Radio Television Symphonic Orchestra. He has made sound recordings for Radio Belgrade.

He started teaching in 1987 as a professor in secondary music school “Jovan Bandur” in Pančevo, and since 1993 in music school “Živorad Grbić” in Valjevo, and music school “Josip Slavenski” in Belgrade. During his undergraduate studies he was a demonstrator in the class of Professor Tahir Kulenović. In 1997 he was elected Assistant for the flute at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade. He was re-elected for the same position in 2001, and in 2003 he was elected Docent for the flute at the Faculty of Music Arts in Belgrade.

His students have won over 100 awards in festivals, state, country and international competitions. He was awarded several times for his outstanding pedagogical results, once by the Union of Associations of Music and Ballet Pedagogues of Serbia for his pedagogical results over the years, awarded to him as the youngest professor since the award has been established.

14 students have graduated so far in the class of docent Miomir Simonović, some of whom continued their studies abroad, and many of them working in music schools or play in orchestras such as: Belgrade Opera Orchestra or “Madlenijanum” Chamber Opera Orchestra.