Milica Vasiljevic Bisenic


Milica Vasiljevic Bisenic

Milica Vasiljević-Bisenić, born in 1964, studied piano with renowned Belgrade music teachers, first with Prof. Slobodanka Simić at the Mokranjac Music School and then with Prof. Mirjana Šuica-Babić at the Belgrade Music Academy, where she graduated summa cum laude . She pursued her studies with Prof. Arkady Sevidov at the Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow in 1990/91 and completed her Specialist Studies in Chamber Music at the Belgrade Music Academy in 1995, under the mentorship of Prof. Olivera Djurdjević.

Ms. Vasiljević-Bisenić has performed on concert podiums across Serbia and the region, both as a solo pianist and cembalist and in chamber ensembles. 

Ms. Vasiljević-Bisenić has been working as a piano teacher in her alma mater Mokranjac Music School since 1988 and now heads the School’s piano department. In 2008, she received the Best Musical Pedagogue Prize of the Association of Musical and Ballet Pedagogues of Serbia. Her students have won over 100 prizes at state and international competitions. Many of them pursued their studies at prestigious music academies both in Serbia and abroad (USA, Israel, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Croatia, etc), and went on to excel as pianists, pedagogues, composers, music ediitors.

Ms. Vasiljević-Bisenić lived in Cairo from 2011 to 2018, where her husband worked as a diplomat. During that period, she organised 14 concerts of Serbian musicians in the Cairo and Alexandria Operas in cooperation with the Cairo Opera House.